History of Gregorian Masses
Gregorian Masses derive their name from St. Gregory the Great, the first Benedictine Pope who ruled the Church from the year 590 to 604. Gregorian Masses are offered for thirty (30) consecutive days for the repose of the soul of a particular person.
St. Gregory was the first to have a series of Masses said for a departed soul. The event that started this pious practice took place while he was abbot of St. Andrew's monastery in Rome, prior to his election to the papacy.
In the fourth book of his Dialogues, St. Gregory relates how one of the monks of his monastery, named Justus, did not keep his vow of poverty very well. When Justus died, St. Gregory feared that the good monk might have to spend a long time in Purgatory because of his failures with regard to poverty. He therefore ordered that the Holy Sacrifice be offered up for Justus for thirty consecutive days without a break. On the thirtieth day, Justus appeared to a brother monk telling him that he was now freed from his sufferings because of the thirty Masses St. Gregory had caused to be said for him.
The usual offering for a set of Gregorian Masses is $300, as it does entail the serious obligation on the part of a priest to offer them without interruption.
When will the Masses be said?
Due to the nature of Gregorian Masses (i.e. a priest being available to say 30 Masses on consecutive days) we normally have Gregorian Masses said by our missionaries in various parts of the world, thereby providing them with Mass intention that are very important to them and their missionary activities. For this reason no specific dates can be determined locally as to the exact date when any specific Gregorian Mass will be said. We can assure that the requested Masses will be said within ninety (90) days of the reported death of the person for whom the Gregorian Mass is to be said.
For mass intentions, you need not come to the parish office. Mass intentions request-forms are available at the entrance of the church or on our website, Please fill them out with your name and phone number, place your donation and drop them in the drop box or at the office.
Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church 2401 East Lake Avenue, Watsonville, CA 95076 Parish office Phone: 831-722-2665 / Fax: 831-722-8305 Email: [email protected] / web: www.olhcchurch.org Office closed on Monday February 17, 2025 In observance for President's Day Office Hours / Horas de Oficina Monday-Friday / Lunes-Viernes 9:00am to 12:30pm 1:30pm to 5:00pm |